HPE Certification and Learning

Save up to 45% on certification resources with the new HPE Certification Advantage Program! Get training, office hours, self-directed labs, exams, and more — all at a deep discount. Learn more!

Did you create an account before July 2022?

The process for account creation has recently changed. If you created an account before July, please read these before continuing.

All HPE users (new and returning) must create a new Pearson VUE web account. Please view the account setup instructionsPDF, Opens in new window

Returning HPE candidates: Enter the same HPE Learner ID, First/Last name, and email that match your current Pearson VUE account on record and you will be immediately linked to your existing profile.

New learners: Visit the Get Started page and select your company affiliation to create your HPE Learner ID. An HPE Learner ID is required to register for exams.

Exam registration, payments, and cancellations are all managed from your Pearson VUE web account.

HPE exam prices are as follows:

Exams Developed countries Emerging countries
HPE2 $140 USD $75 USD
HPE3 $65 USD $65 USD
HPE0/HPE6 $260 USD $145 USD
HPE7/HPE8 $350 USD $195 USD

View the emerging and developed countries list.

OnVUE online proctored exams available

All HPE0, HPE6 and HPE7 exams (except Aruba Expert exams) are available* as online proctored exams. Select “at home” or “office” during the exam registration process. More information»

*Online remote proctoring is not available in: China, Iraq, North Korea, Sudan, and Syria

Exam types - Proctored

HPE0, HPE6, HPE7 and HPE8 exams

Proctored exams are administered through Pearson VUE testing centers and OnVUE.

Exam Retake, Reschedule and Cancellation Policy
WAIT: 14 days, if the previous two attempts were within 14 days
*All exam attempts are at standard pricing
*Exams must be cancelled and/or rescheduled within 24 hours of the appointment

Exam Types – Unproctored

HPE2 and HPE3 exams

Unproctored exams are online, web-based exams. They offer the convenience of 24-hour access for exam administration. Keep in mind that these exams are timed, just as they would be in a test center, and MUST BE COMPLETED WITHIN 24 HOURS OF PURCHASE.

These exams can be purchased only via the Sign in link.

Exam Retake Policy
WAIT: 7 days, if the previous two attempts were within 7 days
*All exam attempts are at standard pricing

Last updated 2024-04-11